The Independent Contractor Agreement is a generic template between two parties, who are The Company and The Contractor. This is when you need an independent contractor who will provide the specific skills and abilities that the company needs. The agreement sets forth a number of various terms and conditions and specific details.
This independent contractor agreement contains the following terms and conditions:
- The company is employing this independent contractor and the independent contractor agrees to accept the employment. Both the parties agree that after the first 30 days of the term either party can without cause terminate this agreement by giving 30 days written notice to the other party.
- The company will provide a fixed payment in US dollars either per class or per training session. And both the company and the contractor agreed to the amount that is set in this agreement.
- The independent contractor will have to provide services like aquatic and land exercise classes and personal training sessions, post-rehab etc.
- The contractor acts as an independent contractor and can engage in other business activities during the term of this agreement, however, he will not solicit the company’s employees are accounts of another entity.
- Both the parties agree that there are no other agreements or understandings between them that relate to the subject matter contained in this agreement. This agreement supersedes all prior agreements, the oral or written between both these parties and is a complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties.
- This agreement is construed in accordance with the laws of the State and will be governed by the same laws.
Both the parties are legally bound lease agreement after they sign at the bottom of the document along with their names and the date on which they are signing the agreement. You can easily download this agreement by clicking on the download link below.
Independent Contractor Agreement